Boost Your Immunity With These 16 Foods
Your diet can significantly affect the health and functioning of your immune system. The immune system is a network that protects your body from harmful bacteria, toxins, parasites, and viruses. Choosing foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other nutrients necessary for immune function can help keep your body healthy. Eating more immune-boosting foods […]
How To Boost Your Mental Clarity
Brain fog is a mental cloudiness that can make it hard to focus, remember things, or think clearly. There are many possible causes of brain fog, including lack of sleep, chronic stress or fatigue, poor nutrition, or even some underlying health issues such as long COVID or menopause. The fogginess can affect your daily life, […]
These Choline-Rich Foods Can Help Boost Your Brain Health
Choline is a nutrient that supports important functions in the body, like facilitating a healthy metabolism and building cell membranes. It also helps produce neurotransmitters—chemicals that allow brain cells to communicate. This makes choline essential for brain and nervous system health, especially during a fetus’s development. Choline must come from dietary sources. Adequate dietary choline […]
Indonesiana.TV Teams with JAFF Market to Boost Film Distribution
Indonesiana.TV, the government-backed digital platform, is teaming up with the Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival‘s new JAFF Market 2024 initiative to expand distribution channels for Indonesian filmmakers. The collaboration marks a strategic push to connect local content creators with international buyers and strengthen the country’s growing film ecosystem. “We aim to demonstrate that the latest media […]
Robotic shorts give your legs a boost to walk farther and tire less
Imagine slipping on a pair of shorts that could make walking feel like a breeze, almost as if you’ve instantly shed 20 pounds. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, get ready to have your mind blown! Scientists at the Technical University of Munich have cooked up something that might just change the game […]
This Superfood Combination Can Boost Immunity
Garlic (Allium sativum) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) are common household ingredients best known for their potent flavors and many purported health benefits. While both are technically root vegetables, they’re often used as spices in cooking. The flavorful ingredients boast an impressive profile of bioactive compounds that can support many areas of health. Research shows that […]
5 Tips From Experts to Boost Mood Through Food This Winter
It’s no secret that the combination of cold days and diminished daylight hours can put a serious damper on mood. While some people might feel a bit more tired or sluggish this time of year, others may experience chronic and more serious symptoms—meeting criteria for specific diagnoses, such as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. SAD […]